Select geographical areas to compare
Select data source type International (if available) or National
Choose the sub-topic and the indicator to be visualized
Select sub-topic
63 Indicators
The Data Visualization tool allows the users to visualize indicator(s) for certain administrative level(s) of the browsed topic for which data is available through graphs and charts and compare between them; In the selected topic page, you can always browse among the topics in the header of each topic page
The chart will automatically appear displaying your query for the available years.
Compare option
The system allows users to select specific locations and specific indicators from the generated graphs and compare them on one graph. Each query performed is displayed on a tab inside the graph, you can check/uncheck a location within the different queries/tabs and the system automatically displays the selection under the “compare” tab.
On the graph, users can change chart type, add labels, export the graph, and view on map
Select geographical areas to compare